Sunday, January 1


I have already blogged about "Focus on Focusing" just a couple of bogs ago but about two and half months ago.  But I found that it is important to expand on that and think about distractions.

I have always tried to think about what is truly important in my life and keep it first, to focus on it and make sure I take care of the things or people that are truly important.  I even have figured out why things are important to me and that has enabled me to better prioritize important things.  But recently I have also figured out that I must think about those hated and not so hated (sometimes very much loved) distractions. If I didn't actively think about them to mark them as a distraction and why I was doing them instead of what I should be doing then I was doomed to repeat.  So yes, I will give those activities I do to avoid the real (hard) tasks in order to recognize better that I am just trying to avoid something.  Sometimes the distractions is something we need to do just not as urgently as others.

Doing this has helped me get the important things done first and I feel better because they are done.  The not so important things they'll be there or I figure out they aren't as important as I once thought.

So keep the important things at the top of you list.  KNOW why they are important.  KNOW what your distractions are so you know when they come up.  This has made my life easier because I don't have things to do hanging over my head.


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